Inspired Wellness

Friday, January 16, 2009


As life unfolds in each moment, new opportunities are being born. No matter what has already happened, choose to create the very best you can imagine.

Do not dwell on yesterday; do not be remorseful of the last five, ten, or fifteen years of being unhealthy and being unaware, as long as you seize the opportunity to make a change today.  I see so many people go through life completely oblivious to the things they do to their bodies, but is it their fault if they are not aware?  Miss-education, there is so much garbage information out there placed by companies and individuals trying to make a quick buck off of someone.  Where can the average consumer go for credible information? The latest magazine with a skinny celebrity proclaiming they lost 20 pounds eating nothing but grapefruit?  Or the muscle building magazines with guys jacked on steroids proclaiming all they needed was this magical supplement to get the bodies of their dreams?  Sadly to say that is where the majority of people go to today for their "credible" information. 

 With my company Inspired Wellness I am trying to be that site you can trust for credible and trusted information.  The most powerful way to change some ones life is to give them knowledge.  My mission is to empower one with awareness so they may achieve their goals, so they can Inspire Wellness.  I am attempting to launch the company based on application and scientific evidence.  Everything that is promoted or used with IW will have been applied and or have published scientific backing.  I will post all of the scientific research and peer reviewed journals for anyone to read.  Using the techniques I have applied on many clients and myself over the last few years.  I will not make any recommendations to someone I have not personally tried myself which you will be able to follow through my blogs and body transformation. If someone doesn't know that switching to diet soda is just choosing a different evil compared to that regular soda, would they make that choice?  If you only knew what that triple pump vente white mocha or skinny latte was doing to your body.  Neglecting your water intake because you no longer have the taste for it, well if you only understood why over the many years drinking all of the sugary, caffeinated and artificially sweetened drinks has pushed your tastes away from the most important beverage for every living function in your body (but that’s a whole other blog).  

The reason why so many people go through their lives blasé about their health and wellness is because they are not aware; most people are not made aware until its too late.  Until its that trip to the doctor for that mystery headache that won't go away, or that throbbing stomach ache or when you look in the mirror at the age of 30 but feel like you are 50.  Most people are made aware by the shocking consequences of their actions.  What if you knew why you had that mysterious pain, what if you knew what caused it, how to reverse and actually prevent it?

Weight loss is easy!  Building muscle is easy! (It does take hard work)  You want to know why it is so hard for many?  It is because many people are attempting these goals without having a plan, without having the knowledge or without having the awareness to achieve their goals.  It is not just weight loss it is the same for anything we do in life, if you are not educated on it, it is going to be very hard to achieve.  Its going to be pretty hard to do my taxes for my own business this year if I have never done it before, but if I go to someone I trust, who has the knowledge and the experience to get a plan it will be a lot easier!

An example of what I mean.  The other day I met with a couple that were potential clients.  The meeting was mainly to help focus on designing the husband a gluten/wheat free meal plan and the wife was there to support.  As we digged a little deeper weight loss entered the picture, then constant headaches, anxiety, lack of energy, salt cravings, the appearance of aging too quickly and a list of other issues popped up and this was not all from the husband!  There was nothing out of the ordinary for this couple the typical American lifestyle of low carb-diet drinks, maybe a glass or two of water, salty snack foods, a bite to eat at a local fast food place, late night cookie attacks and not too forget the super busy work day and getting maybe five or six hours of sleep.  After chatting for nearly two hours I was able to open up the couple’s eyes to the things they were currently doing which they were unaware of and how it was causing the problems they were currently having.  (And if you guys are reading this get excited because you made a great decision and we are about to change your lives!)

I have been bouncing around with this post sorry the whole point of this was to basically say be aware of what you are doing.  Be aware of what you are putting into your body.  Most things come at a cost, be aware of what that cost is and what you can do about it.  We constantly take, take, and take in life.  We take that fast food, we take that alcoholic drink, and we take that piece of candy, that starbucks without being aware and without taking action.  That is something I teach all of my clients, know why you are doing what it is you do, from eating, exercising, walking, sitting, standing, everything.  Just be aware.  Because before you realize the consequences it may already be too late...

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