Inspired Wellness

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stop the insanity! Diets do not work this is why...

This is why diets do not work.

Diets are quick fixes, FAD's, gimmicks that take extreme measures (restricted low calorie, no carbs, no fat, the banana diet, the grapefruit diet, prepackaged meals or waste your money on their products diet (nutrisystems, j.c, w.w etc.). Most people will lose weight quickly but not be able to maintain such an extreme plan for the remainder of their lives. Why would you start a program or "diet" that you cannot feasibly keep up the rest of your life?

The moment you stop you will gain all of your weight back if not more. How many people do you know who say, "Yes, I have been on this diet (insert ridiculous claim here) my whole life and I have lost all of the weight I wanted to and have kept it off!" not many...

Or have you heard this "Yes, this new diet is awesome I have lost 10lbs in 3 weeks!" 3 months later how is your diet going? "Eh I couldn't keep that up eating only (ridiculous claim here) I've gained 12lbs back"

Many of those diets are not feasible for you to maintain for an extended period of time. There are many documented side effects of being on a low 800-calorie diet for a long period of time (I know because I have a client who years ago was on a DR. prescribed low calorie diet now she has kidney, liver issues and her hair, skin and nails have permanent damage). The same could be said about any other nutrient restricted diet (low carbs, no fat, low protein, low calorie, the stand on your head while eating diet it is a great one I promise you will lose a lot of weight! (just kidding don’t try it)).

Also, do not jump into some one size fits all diet that you see in magazines or books or that crazy magic diet pill, everyone is different, everyone has different needs, preferences, conditions, metabolism, likes and dislikes. Programs that you have used and have been able to maintain great success may not work for your friend down the street. You need to be able to find lifestyle changes that go along with YOUR current lifestyle. It may not be feasible for someone to be on a vegan plan if they are growing up on a farm. Or for a busy business person to only prepare all natural home cooked meals.

You need to make lifestyle changes that you can feasibly maintain. If you love starbucks, soda, sweets, pizza etc. and I told you to start a program where you can have none of those items you will go crazy and probably pig out on those items that night. The moment you tell someone they can't have something they want it even more, so do not set yourself up to fail by cutting out everything you enjoy.

Moderation, moderation, moderation is what everyone claims. It has a part to do with moderation but a bigger part by EARNING the things you love. You cannot just eat cookies all day long and have 3 viente 6 pump triple shot white mochas and not expect weight gain an energy high followed by a mid day crash, and other future health problems. How about you start your day with an early morning walk to jump start your metabolism and perhaps if you still need it a small single serving starbucks, at least this way you would have earned it by generating your own natural energy so you won't needs as much sugar or caffeine and you have already exercised so you have earned some additional caloric intake and take away your craving. Do not just TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, you must EARN those treats. Performing your daily exercise routine and then having a cookie afterwards is fine, sitting on your butt all day long at your desk job and having 4 cookies is not ok. EARN that cookie! Unless you have the will power to cut it out, if not that is ok everyone is different, it is ok to earn it.

I always recommend when you are about to make a healthy change in your lifestyle habits make sure it is a change you can do for the rest of your life. I will never ask someone to make a change if they cannot feasibly see themselves maintaining that change for the rest of their lives. Do not make a quick fix for only 3 weeks, not for 2 months, or for you to get ready for the summer season because what are you going to do after that when you go back to your old ways and you are stuck with the same problem months later repeating the same cycle over and over again. The Definition of insanity is repeating something over and over again and expecting a different result.

I could go on and on about this topic emotional eating, stress, nutrient timing, fluid intake, artificial sweeteners, sodium, supplements, vitamins but I will end it here if you have a specific question you can ask me or wait for future posts.

Diets DO work if you want quick weight-loss that you will NOT be able to maintain. Stop the insanity, stop the dieting...

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