Inspired Wellness

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This is where it all starts...

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. What lies within me? I guess we shall find out...

My name is Sham Sanghera and I am certified and Degreed in Wellness, Fitness and Health and I am the CEO of Inspired Wellness.  I am embarking on many endeavors in the next few months and I would like to invite you along for the ride.  I am launching a new Fitness and Wellness company and in preparation for that I have decided to allow my clients and anyone else out there an inside look.

The purpose of this blog is to give you an inside view of my transformation both physically and from a business stand point, to be able to provide insight for some, motivation for others.  Through out my many years in Wellness I have seen and experienced many things.  I have seen and helped with many transformations using a variety of training styles.  Now it is my turn.  Now it is my turn to transform, hold myself accountable and answer to all of you.  In the past I have always stayed in pretty good shape just living a healthy lifestyle.  But as a Fitness Role Model and in preparation for the launch of my new company I have decided it is time to take it to the next level and I want all of you to witness it and even better I'd like you to join me.  I am about to launch a new HYBRID TRAINING style and Online Training Tools which I hope to incorporate in the future for clients so I figured who would be the best test dummy? ME!  I figured in order for my company to be successful I must show all of you my methods, my products, and knowledge are legit.  During the next few months I will be posting blogs and give samples of what I eat, supplementation, exercise routines, my results, my thoughts, my feelings, my triumphs and even my struggles.

I like to think outside of the box, do things with a different beat.  There are thousands of fitness companies out there claiming to be able to help people.  If you look at some of the Personal Training or fitness sites out there a lot of them are garbage and I mean that in the since that it appears they are just thrown together, just cluttered with mass amounts of text which are not organized.  You have random advertisements strewn about where the potential client can get lost.  It makes the sites lose their credibility in my opinion.  Then you have the testimonial section, which I think is a big joke, how do you know that is a real person and not the trainer himself writing? Or having his Uncle's cousin's daughter write it for him.  How do you know what happened during that clients transformation even if a real transformation took place.  Before and afters are hit or miss for some sites and trainers, they could be real and if they are how old are they?  Do I want to see what the trainer did for someone 10 years ago?  We live in a world of "what have you done for me lately" if you follow the NFL you know what I mean.  What is that trainer or company currently doing to help better someone's life? 

People want to connect with something; they want to feel and know that someone is going through what they are.  Real people offering real thoughts, feelings and emotions.  Why do you think Reality shows are so popular.

I want to try something different, instead of having testimonials after the fact, on my completed website for my company I am going to launch a "Current Client Tracker” this is going to provide insight on what MY CURRENT CLIENTS are going through, day by day, Week-by-Week, Month-by-Month.  I cannot think of a more powerful tool for a potential client to browse my blog or my site and see what my current clients are experiencing.  From there, that person can make a choice to change and sign up, or think “you know what maybe I'll wait and see how great Sham and Inspired Wellness really is and monitor "Sue" his client because she has the same exact goal that I do.”  That potential client tunes in every week and tracks "Sues" progress.

Everyone is different, and there is no one correct way to achieve your goal.  So what may work for me may not work for you.

So in order for me to provide the most useful insight as it pertains to you I have asked a few of my current clients to blog and track their current progress and current thoughts and feelings as it pertains to their training.  So if you are looking for someone to watch that may have a similar goal as yours perhaps viewing one of my clients progress will help motivate you to make a change or perhaps shed insight on how I can help you.

I figured in order to be successful in business and in life you must be able to view from multiple perspectives.  I hope to expose the tricks of some fitness companies and trainers out there for you, so whether you work with me or not at least you will be informed and not fooled into anything in the future by others.  And if I am wrong on something please call me out on it, I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong, that is how I will become stronger in my endeavors by your input.

 But I know talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words, so I will shut up now and not be one of those phony fitness gurus pushing products with poorly produced infomercials or promising 20lb weight loss in 3 weeks or claiming unsafe FAD Diets or bogus diet pills.  I'll show you what hard work, dedication and consistency looks like.  Ill show it in me and Ill show what I can do for others.  So sit back subscribe and watch our transformations.

If you have any comments from a business standpoint of what I am doing I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.  I do not claim to know everything or claim to be the worlds greatest, this is just an Idea I had and a venue I chose, my thoughts and opinions are not being forced upon anyone, it is your choice to view this material.

Thank you,

If you have any questions or would like to take part in a transformation of your own please contact me at 


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