Inspired Wellness

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to lose stubborn belly fat!

Question: "I was just looking at your website AND it made me wanna ask you...
what is the BEST ways to lose lower belly fat? I know its like the hardest thing for females to work off... but i really need some of your smarts :)

I hope I do not disappoint you with my answer. There is no magical pill or exercise that will get that lower belly fat to go away. You can't "spot reduce" which means target a specific area to lose fat from.

No pill can do it without major side effects. Most of the fat burners out there attempt to speed up your metabolism by pumping the pills full of caffeine or other stimulants to get you feeling jittery like you need to move more but that will cause short and long term health effects messing with your heart and central nervous system. Any weight you lose while on the pills will only come back once you stop taking them.

Just doing a billion crunches won't do it either. Doing abdominal exercises will make the muscles stronger but you are just building stronger muscles under a layer of fat.

It takes hard work and living a healthier lifestyle through proper exercise and nutrition. In order to shed the weight you need to build muscle (through exercises), then shed the fat by doing cardio and eating healthy foods. If you exercise great! But then go and eat unhealthy food you will waste your efforts.

Now you can't just eat healthy and exercise for a few days and expect miracles, the other factor which plays a role is genetics. Look at your parents see where they store fat because that's usually where you will. When you start to exercise and eat healthy the weight will start to fly off but there is no way to predict where it will come off first. You may lose weight in your legs, hips or butt first before your tummy.

The Keys to losing that belly fat:
*Eating Healthy
* and.....???

The third and most important secret is CONSISTENCY!! Eventually that lower belly fat will disappear if you keep up everything consistently. This belly fat did not appear overnight, so you can't expect it to go away that quickly. You must keep up your healthy habits on a consistent basis.

Now if you want tips on what-how and when to eat, which exercises to do, and how to stay on track feel free to message me! I hope that helps or at least point you in the right direction and not make any common drastic mistakes =)

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