Inspired Wellness

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Random Q&A

I will keep these answers straight and to the point:

* When having a baked potato is it OK to eat the skin? Yes, if it is organic or cleaned very well before eating. That is where all the fiber is! But again, your body treats potatoes like sugar, so make sure its early in the day, before or after a workout.

* Is it OK to have light breading on fish? Its ok if you EARN IT! The light breading on the fish will add extra calories and it is probably enriched or bleached so read the ingredients. Go super light on the breading or look for a whole grain high fiber type breading, otherwise the extra calories will catch up with you. Make sure you bake the fish!

* What about Mayo, mustard, & catsup? Mayo high in saturated fat and other unhealthy fats, mustard usually excess salt, ketchup excess sugar and salt. We don't really need these items they are just extra calories or salt, we have trained ourselves to use them on everything. A little bit is ok check the serving sizes but it should not be a habit that is put on everything.

* If moderately OK, is one brand better than the other? They are all the same, just have to read labels to see which is lower in salt, and sugar.

* Parmesan cheese? 2 table spoons is nearly 50 calories and 60% of that is from fat, again anything in small moderation is fine just be careful with this one.

* Vinegar? There are no calories in vinegar (depends on which type) there have been mixed reviews on it, the only real negative would be is it is pretty acidic so if you have a sensitive stomach or high blood acidity you might want to avoid it. Its great to use with fish instead of tarter sauce.

* Gravy? Best to lay off the gravy.

* Spaghetti Sauce / Marinara Sauce? If its from a jar or can yes its bad full of preservatives, very high in salt and sugar, your best bet is to make it from scratch yourself or find a low sodium variety.

* Other than the obvious (Fiber) what’s the importance of Fruits & Vegetables? (Example: On your food list I put “builds muscle” next to Protein) Fruits and Veggies are great for overall health, very high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes. Good for digestion and can prevent a lot of diseases of the body.

* What’s you opinion of “Subway” in general? It is a better option than most places if you can make smart choices. Most deli meats are very high in sodium. The sauces and dressings very high in sugar, fat and salt. Cheeses can be additional calories. Olives, peperchinis, jalepenos usually come in a can so very high in salt. Your best bet is a whole wheat bread, chicken breast (lowest sodium content), no cheese, get spinach instead of lettuce and all the veggies you want except for the 3 I mentioned above. Only other negative would be its not organic.

* What fast foods do you eat (if any)? I try to avoid these, I would consider subway fast food, if I am in a tough spot somewhere ill get a grilled chicken option, veggies or salad with minimal dressing.

* Do you think Zig Zag dieting works to keep muscle and loose fat? I have not personally tried it, I have heard it works well for losing weight but based on the science of it I can't see it working well for preserving muscle. Unless you zig zag by eating less on the days you do not work out and eat more on the days you do. But if you have a low cal day on an intense workout day your muscles will not receive the fuel they need to grow and recover.

In order to jump start the metabolism and turn you into a fat burning machine I think you will see better results with higher intensity exercises like intervals, tabata, hiit etc and increasing your muscle mass, Muscle dictates metabolism. As opposed to doing any extremes in dieting.

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