Inspired Wellness

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Other 23 Hours part 1...

How many days a week do you work out? Maybe 2-3? Maybe some 4-5? Lets say on average someone works out 3 times per week, for an average duration of an hour. That is 3 hours a week someone is devoting towards exercise. One hour per day, there are another 23 hours in that day, another 161 hours in a week (if someone devoted an hour a day 7 days a week towards fitness).

What are you doing those other 23 hours, the other 161 hours towards achieving your goals? This is something the majority of people neglect when they start a wellness program. Many go to the gym without a plan for that hour and stick to the treadmill, bike, elliptical and never touch the weights. Others may follow routines they find in magazines not really focusing on their form but how much weight they can push. The moment people are finished with their workout they are finished for the day thinking about their wellness and fitness.

That is one of the main reasons people do not obtain results when starting off on a fitness program. The majority of your results are obtained OUTSIDE of the gym. What you do when you leave that gym is more important (if you had to chose one but in reality they feed off of each other) than what you do in the gym. You can have an amazing workout for an hour maybe even two but if you go home and pig out on TV dinners, fast food, sweets or indulge on some alcoholic beverages, go to bed late then wake up early for work the next day tired and groggy then turn to that starbucks drink. It is a vicious cycle, which leads many to not fully maximize their results.

And its not even just the eating, it is the things people are totally unaware of but spend the majority of their day doing. Besides sleeping what do most of us spend doing? For most of you with your jobs probably sitting, standing or walking. How many people actually sit there and think about what they are doing while sitting, standing or walking? Not many and you are throwing away precious time towards reaching your full potential.

Many people at their jobs spend 7,8,9 hours a day just sitting there many with very poor posture shoulders rolled forward, spine curved, slouching, or leaning back in the chair having our spine and the chair do all of the work and none of our muscles (I bet you are doing that right now!). I tell my clients you live how you train and you train how you live. If you live in a world sitting at a desk job with poor posture for 8 hours a day then go to the gym afterwards you are going to train with the same posture! Leading one to get hurt, be inefficient and perpetuate their poor posture.

Imagine focusing and being aware of your posture for those 7,8,9 hours a day reinforcing good habits then working out and making those habits stronger. You will work more muscle groups, become stronger and in return burn more calories. I would say it is fair that we spend at least 12 hours a day either standing, sitting, or walking that is 50% of our day and half the battle of achieving your goals but that is 50% people neglect. Then we spend the other 6-8 hour sleeping (at least we should) that is 20 hours in the day 83% of our day which many neglect on a regular basis, then you have that 1 hour per day where someone goes to the gym and focuses on their health which is about 4% of their day, their week, their month, their year that they spend towards their health and wellness and that’s if you work out 7 days a week for 1 hour! The percentage is even less if you work out less than that...And I didn't even get into detail about ones eating habits...

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