Inspired Wellness

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Permanent Changes...

Statistics now show that 95% of people who lose 10lbs or more all gain it back within the first year! That means only 5% of you will be able succeed in your weight loss goals of 10lbs or less. Imagine the percentage if you want to lose 15, 20 or even 50lbs!

Weight loss should not be temporary. So stop getting ready for that quick transformation every year in January and before summer only to repeat the same cycle each year. It is easy to lose a few pounds but as we see with the statistics and from experiences it is very hard to keep that weight off.

The reason for this is usually the faster you lose the weight the faster you will gain it back. Society is so impatient these days, everyone wants that quick fix, and everyone wants to lose 10lbs in a week, or 20 lbs in a month. It’s all marketing and the media with crazy ads in magazines and shows like "The Biggest Loser", that type of weight loss is not realistic.

However, that is the type of weight loss people come to expect. The majority of people know how to lose weight, they know to eat healthier, they know they need to exercise and they also know that it takes time, hard work and consistency but the majority of people do not want to go through the work!

Boom! Enter, surgery, crash diets, eating disorders, extreme exercise programs and hey guess what? That means super fast weight loss! Then comes super fast weight gain the moment the person stops!

How do you make permanent changes? This is what I teach to my clients. In order to create permanent changes within your body you need to make permanent changes in your lifestyle. We must create new habits and re-train the old ones. You did not gain this weight overnight; so do not expect to lose it over night. The weight gain has happened over many months or years in a slow progression of poor habits. But the good news is we can reverse the trend!

Have patience; create habits you can continue to repeat for the rest of your life. It takes about 3 to 4 weeks of repeating something day in and day out before it becomes a habit. Now imagine how long it will take to change multiple habits. But once you make those changes and create those habits those will be changes you can maintain for the rest of your life. I measured 2 clients today, combined they have lost 7 pounds in about 3 weeks. And I congratulate them because those are 7 pounds they will never see again!

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