Inspired Wellness

Friday, November 20, 2009


My name is Mitzi and I work for the State of California. On February 5th, 2009, (at the age of 54) I was offered a position as a Criminal Investigator, which meant I would be attending a 5 month Special Investigator’s Academy in October 2009. I knew I needed to get in shape, while being very aware that all the other exercise programs I’ve tried didn’t work for me. I knew at that point I was going to need professional help; the help of a highly experienced personal trainer.

I discussed my needs and goals with Cindy, the owner of a Fitness facility. Cindy referred me to SHAM SANGHERA, who she felt would be the best Wellness Specialist for my needs; and someone who could help me reach my goals. Not only was Cindy’s referral “right-on”, her referral of Sham far exceeded my expectations! Sham has been a wealth of knowledge in so many different areas!

Sham’s sessions were not only excellent for strength training and cardio, but also for nutrition and healthy life style changes. I learned the right way to exercise and how to use equipment correctly; the safe way to insure no injury. I was taught how to exercise with or without equipment, no matter where I am; whether I’m at the gym, at home, or traveling. I gained knowledge of those “words” that I never truly gave attention to before; words like Cardio, Core, Stretching, and Balance. I’ve learned the importance of “logging” my food and my exercise activity. The loggings kept me on track and made me accountable to Sham (and yes myself).
I’ve been able to reach my goals; I’ve lost 22 pounds, countless inches, and gain strength I never had before. My posture and balance are improved and my nutritional knowledge is better than ever.

Sham is patient, extremely supportive, and committed to his career. Sham continually increases his knowledge base and has developed specialized programs for each individual. I highly recommend Sham as a Wellness Specialist, and I plan to use Sham’s services again. Sham has given me more than I can possibly explain; he’s given me an abundance of health and wellness knowledge that I plan to utilize for the rest of my live.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Client Feedback!

My husband and I are in our late 40’s and we were intrigued by Sham Sanghera’s services for different reasons. My husband has been overweight for most of his adult life and he realized that it was important for him to get that under control as he ages. I am within my weight range, but suffer from headaches, brain fog, and have poor posture and body strength.

We committed to work with Sham for an eight week period meeting together as a couple twice per week. During that time, Sham taught us many skills and exercises that helped with our individual needs. He taught us how to eat properly, sit and stand correctly, how much water we should drink, how much sleep we need, and how to exercise properly without equipment or leaving our home.

He tailored his program to fit our individual needs and to work within our lifestyle. In addition, we had fun being together as a couple and working towards our goals as a team. We started to see results almost immediately.

When we first started, I could barely do any pushups. At the end of the eight week period I was able to do 50 pushups. My headaches had decreased drastically and I felt more alert during my work hours. My husband has started to lose weight in a slow and steady manner which is a result of the lifetime skills that Sham taught us. We joked that Sham was lightening up on us at each session and then we realized we were just getting stronger and building more muscle and stamina due to his guidance and the program that he had tailored for us.

We now understand what we must do to maintain a healthy body as we age and how important it is that we make our health a priority in our life. The knowledge that he shared with us has been invaluable and we feel empowered and confident about our future health.

We 100% recommend Sham to others that would like to learn these same skills. He is professional, knowledgeable, and has the education and training to enable his clients to achieve their goals.

Kevin and Donna C.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Graduation Day!

I just had one of my clients David complete his first 12 week program. Final results: 31 pound weight loss! 5% body fat reduction and he lost over 16 inches! Great job David after graduating from your initial program with great results!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More Success!!

I just recently had 2 clients weigh in and the results are......

My client Anthony has just recently lost 11lbs in 4 weeks, bringing his grand total weight loss to 30lbs in about 5 months!! Great job anthony!!

Another client Mitzi has just lost 5lbs in 3 weeks bringing her grand total weight loss to over 15lbs and she has lost over 12 inches up to this point.

This results are as expected for each, you won't see any bogus unrealistic, unhealthy biggest loser 30lbs in 3 weeks weight loss here, everything is steady and gradual and MOST IMPORTANTLY PERMANENT!!! I teach my clients how to lose weight without any diet pills, no counting calories or working out 3 hours a day, everything is realistic for the busy person to be able to lose weight and keep it off.

I have a few more clients weighing in this week so stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Detox your life!

Did you know 3 out of every 4 people have some sort of stomach parasite or fungus and are not even aware of it! I started taking my clients through a natural detox which involves NO fasting, NO crazy pills or living off lemons and apple juice. All natural just avoiding certain foods. During this Process I had one client lose 4 lbs in one week, another client lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks, and just recently had a successful detoxified client lose 8 lbs in 3 weeks!!! Nothing crazy very simple and realistic to maintain healthy results. This detox kills any fungus or parasite in the body and helps to cleanse the liver and kidneys allowing your body to function properly. I will post more on this topic soon but just wanted to update everyone!

About to train Priscilla and Michelle at a brand new park!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Quick update on last week! I had 2 clients weigh in and measure both Elena and Michelle R. amazing job both of you! Combined in the last few weeks they have lost over 12 inches and nearly 8lbs! Elena has vastly improved her upper body strength improving her push up score from 4 a few months ago to 27!! Great job ladies I am very proud. You get back what you put in and all of my clients who are sticking to the path are achieving their goals and guess what it is all permanent say goodbye to those inches and pounds forever!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Aim high!

So far a great week of workouts for clients! We introduced a homemade medicine ball today to help accelerate our fat loss! Great job everybody! Later this week we have a few clients weighing in check back to see their progress!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Great Job!

I just want to congratulate a few of my clients for a great job these last few weeks. We had a couple of measurements with one client losing over 6 lbs of permanent weight loss since our last weight in and over 7 inches lost Great job Michelle (Michelles BMI has also fallen back into healthy ranges)!! Another client did a great job losing over 3lbs of pure fat and building muscle during the process as we saw over 6 inches lost great job Elena (Elena's endurance and recovery has picked up huge as she is now participating in training, swimming and kickboxing)!

One of my clients who I train via the internet Candace has posted some new pics check her out she has lost over 30lbs since we have started our journey! She has done a great job of following the program and is proving if you stick with the plan and make healthy lifestyle changes IW can inspire anyone anywhere.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Coming soon!

I have a few clients weighing in this week so check back soon for updates on their progress!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am starting...

I am starting tomorrow...This week for sure...Starting next month fresh start...The beginning of the year...

How many of you know those words all too well?? We say them with great intention and mean it most of the time but when that time comes how many of you have actually followed through. Well all of you New Years people its been nearly 4 months how are those goals looking? Monthly, weekly, daily people did we get off the ground or keep up our fitness promises? If yes, then congrats keep up the good work!

But for many people it is very hard. If you look back at the stats only 5% of people who lose 10lbs or more are successful at keeping it off. 2 out of 3 people are overweight, 1 out of 3 are obese, there is a Mcdonalds or Starbucks within at 3 mile radius of nearly everywhere we go. Stats are against us...

So how can we be successful? I think there are 3 things that help
1. Education
2. Motivation
3. Consistency

One is having the proper knowledge to achieve our goals. There is so much garbage out there that we try to follow, its nearly impossible for one without the background to shift through all of the advertising and marketing trash.

Once one can find a reliable source for knowledge (check out soon for trusted information on achieving your goal) then they need to make sure they are ready and motivated to make a change.

Motivation comes from various factors both intrinsic and extrinsic. Extrinsic motivation usually fails, that is for more superficial type rewards, such as money, fame, and vanity. We need to find motivation from within. Actually doing things you enjoy. You need to be motivated by the fact that you are doing something you like doing and want to keep it up. Finding foods you enjoy eating that are good for you, finding an exercise routine that is fun and keeps you moving. Going outside and playing with your kids an hour a day, rollerblading, playing sports, or trying a new hybrid style of training. That is the ticket that people neglect.

Most people go on calorie restricted diets, eating nothing but veggies or foods they hate. Or doing extreme exercises or the same boring ones over and over again and to no avail. They get burnt out then they fail.

So we need to make sure we find the right avenue which motivates us, we then need to find the proper tools to educate us on how to properly achieve our goals then the last one which is most important consistency. IF you have been following my blog you know this is a big one. Everything we do in life if we want to achieve, maintain or inspire we need to keep up the good habits on a consistent basis and override the bad ones we have been using for the last few years.

It takes time but before you can achieve a goal, reach that end line and finish...before you get to the end you need to start and you should start right now!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to lose stubborn belly fat!

Question: "I was just looking at your website AND it made me wanna ask you...
what is the BEST ways to lose lower belly fat? I know its like the hardest thing for females to work off... but i really need some of your smarts :)

I hope I do not disappoint you with my answer. There is no magical pill or exercise that will get that lower belly fat to go away. You can't "spot reduce" which means target a specific area to lose fat from.

No pill can do it without major side effects. Most of the fat burners out there attempt to speed up your metabolism by pumping the pills full of caffeine or other stimulants to get you feeling jittery like you need to move more but that will cause short and long term health effects messing with your heart and central nervous system. Any weight you lose while on the pills will only come back once you stop taking them.

Just doing a billion crunches won't do it either. Doing abdominal exercises will make the muscles stronger but you are just building stronger muscles under a layer of fat.

It takes hard work and living a healthier lifestyle through proper exercise and nutrition. In order to shed the weight you need to build muscle (through exercises), then shed the fat by doing cardio and eating healthy foods. If you exercise great! But then go and eat unhealthy food you will waste your efforts.

Now you can't just eat healthy and exercise for a few days and expect miracles, the other factor which plays a role is genetics. Look at your parents see where they store fat because that's usually where you will. When you start to exercise and eat healthy the weight will start to fly off but there is no way to predict where it will come off first. You may lose weight in your legs, hips or butt first before your tummy.

The Keys to losing that belly fat:
*Eating Healthy
* and.....???

The third and most important secret is CONSISTENCY!! Eventually that lower belly fat will disappear if you keep up everything consistently. This belly fat did not appear overnight, so you can't expect it to go away that quickly. You must keep up your healthy habits on a consistent basis.

Now if you want tips on what-how and when to eat, which exercises to do, and how to stay on track feel free to message me! I hope that helps or at least point you in the right direction and not make any common drastic mistakes =)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Random Q&A

I will keep these answers straight and to the point:

* When having a baked potato is it OK to eat the skin? Yes, if it is organic or cleaned very well before eating. That is where all the fiber is! But again, your body treats potatoes like sugar, so make sure its early in the day, before or after a workout.

* Is it OK to have light breading on fish? Its ok if you EARN IT! The light breading on the fish will add extra calories and it is probably enriched or bleached so read the ingredients. Go super light on the breading or look for a whole grain high fiber type breading, otherwise the extra calories will catch up with you. Make sure you bake the fish!

* What about Mayo, mustard, & catsup? Mayo high in saturated fat and other unhealthy fats, mustard usually excess salt, ketchup excess sugar and salt. We don't really need these items they are just extra calories or salt, we have trained ourselves to use them on everything. A little bit is ok check the serving sizes but it should not be a habit that is put on everything.

* If moderately OK, is one brand better than the other? They are all the same, just have to read labels to see which is lower in salt, and sugar.

* Parmesan cheese? 2 table spoons is nearly 50 calories and 60% of that is from fat, again anything in small moderation is fine just be careful with this one.

* Vinegar? There are no calories in vinegar (depends on which type) there have been mixed reviews on it, the only real negative would be is it is pretty acidic so if you have a sensitive stomach or high blood acidity you might want to avoid it. Its great to use with fish instead of tarter sauce.

* Gravy? Best to lay off the gravy.

* Spaghetti Sauce / Marinara Sauce? If its from a jar or can yes its bad full of preservatives, very high in salt and sugar, your best bet is to make it from scratch yourself or find a low sodium variety.

* Other than the obvious (Fiber) what’s the importance of Fruits & Vegetables? (Example: On your food list I put “builds muscle” next to Protein) Fruits and Veggies are great for overall health, very high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes. Good for digestion and can prevent a lot of diseases of the body.

* What’s you opinion of “Subway” in general? It is a better option than most places if you can make smart choices. Most deli meats are very high in sodium. The sauces and dressings very high in sugar, fat and salt. Cheeses can be additional calories. Olives, peperchinis, jalepenos usually come in a can so very high in salt. Your best bet is a whole wheat bread, chicken breast (lowest sodium content), no cheese, get spinach instead of lettuce and all the veggies you want except for the 3 I mentioned above. Only other negative would be its not organic.

* What fast foods do you eat (if any)? I try to avoid these, I would consider subway fast food, if I am in a tough spot somewhere ill get a grilled chicken option, veggies or salad with minimal dressing.

* Do you think Zig Zag dieting works to keep muscle and loose fat? I have not personally tried it, I have heard it works well for losing weight but based on the science of it I can't see it working well for preserving muscle. Unless you zig zag by eating less on the days you do not work out and eat more on the days you do. But if you have a low cal day on an intense workout day your muscles will not receive the fuel they need to grow and recover.

In order to jump start the metabolism and turn you into a fat burning machine I think you will see better results with higher intensity exercises like intervals, tabata, hiit etc and increasing your muscle mass, Muscle dictates metabolism. As opposed to doing any extremes in dieting.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Juice or soda...equal evils?

I posted a tip earlier today and received a few questions regarding it.

***Sham's Rapid Fitness tip- Juices and smoothies can contain just as much sugar as sodas if not more, make sure its made with whole fruit not juice.****

To dig a little deeper I just looked up the nutrition facts of a 16oz. jamba juice berry medley shake and it has close to 50g of sugar per serving, I just looked up a 16oz. pepsi and it has 53g of sugar. 100% orange juice 16oz has 43g of sugar.

Grams of Sugar-
16oz. jamba juice 50g
16oz. pepsi 53g
16oz. 100% o.j 43g
2 Large Oranges 23g

A calorie is a calorie whether it comes from juice or soda your body handles it the same. Meaning if you have 500 extra calories from soda or jamba juice your body will gain a pound of fat a week. Juices are basically sugar water with a little bit of vitamins. However, if you take a high quality multivitamin there is no need for you to get that little bit of extra vitamin C from the juice which may pack an additional 200 calories with it. When the vitamins contain zero calories.

When people buy juice, or juice their own fruits or veggies, the actual juice part is just sugar and water. The healthy nutrient dense fiber portion of the fruit or veggie is all in the pulp and that is the part people throw away, that is the part you DO NOT get even when you drink 100% fruit juice.

You will receive more value eating the fresh fruit or vegetable whole. Instead of using a juicer I recommend using a blender. That way you mix the whole fruit or vegetable and you get all of the health benefits. Plus the whole fruit actually makes you feel fuller with less sugar and calories!! Take a look at the example below what will fill you up more, 2 cups of o.j which has 43g of sugar and almost 200 calories or 2 whole oranges which only has 23g of sugar and less than 100 calories...

Try this out to jump start your morning!


Put the all in a blender with a little bit of water and BAM!! A nutritious breakfast full of cancer fighting antioxidants, fresh healthy enzymes, lower in sugar than the juice version and will have you feeling satisfied and energetic!

also check out this article from

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Looks can be deceiving...

It looks harmless enough, wearing a pink back pack and doing jump squats, push ups, pulls ups and 200m springs seems easy...but when the bag is filled with 40lbs it becomes hardcore! 5 rounds total workout time 19:25

Saturday, March 7, 2009

You are stronger than you think...

In order to leap tall buildings in a single bound or even become more powerful than a locomotive superman had to start somewhere (well maybe he didn't because he was born with these abilities but the rest of us have to progress to that point unfortunately). The journey my clients are embarking upon is not an easy one. But the journey is gratifying and the results are rewarding.

My job is to push you, motivate you, and lead you to success. I have been trained in the art of pushing one to their limits without pushing them over the edge. Taking them to their brink and helping them realize they can go a lot further than they first thought. One of my new clients Elena during her first tough workout session looked as if she was defeated. I shouted words of encouragements like I do for all of my amazing clients and I thought perhaps it was drowned out by the thoughts of "when the heck is this over!" But it did not, the words stuck and rang true within her.

"You are stronger than you think", after she heard those words she turned into a whole other person and destroyed her workout. No longer slouching and defeated but tall and confident, a sense of accomplishment.

I see this everyday in all of my clients new and old. Even within a 45 minute span of starting off chipper, going through an intense workout, testing their limits, to feeling great an amazed by what they just accomplished. That happens on a daily basis during a 45-60 minute time frame. Imagine you multiply those feelings over a 3-6 month time period of going through the sacrifice, the anguish, but best of all the realization of knowing everything you just went through was worth it because you just achieved your goal.

If you are sitting their reading this and you have a goal in your mind...deep within your heart that you may feel is way to hard to achieve...maybe you just need a little guidance and motivation. Go for it! Get up and do it because if you have already forgotten, You are stronger than you think....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Turning it up...

Action Shot from last Frida with Shelly. We are stepping up her training to 3x per week now so make sure to keep an eye on her transformation!

Monday, March 2, 2009

My Past Transformation

This was a previous transformation of mine after ACL knee surgery. As you could tell being inactive and injured did not help my body composition at all. But once I did my rehab, fine tuned my nutrition and stepped up my workouts, the results speak for themselves.

I am attempting a completely different workout style for my new transformation so we will see how the results come out.
Stay tuned!!

Anyone Can talk...but can you walk the walk...

All of my new clients are doing an amazing job. Since I have started with many of them in January they are all on pace and achieving great results. To show this is not a fluke here are the results of some of my previous clients.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Client Results!!

I have had 4 clients weigh in and measure the last week. And the results are in!!

Michelle, Shelly, Kevin and Donna have lost a grand total of 16 lbs in the last 3-4 weeks! Great Job guys! There have been no drastic changes, no diet pills or crazy FAD diets. Everything these clients have done are things they can continue to do for the rest of their lives.

Say goodbye to those 16lbs foorrrreeevvveeerrrrr!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Use Discipline to Reach Your Goals...

Use discipline
Discipline is one of your most powerful tools. Use it to your advantage.

Discipline is nothing more than controlling your own behavior. And you've been doing that your whole life.

You have the power to make your own choices and to follow those choices. So make those choices the ones that will raise your life to greater and greater heights.

Every day you have the opportunity to grow stronger. Every moment you have the opportunity to make solid progress.

Use the discipline that is yours to seize those opportunities. Exercise the sweet control over your own actions that will bring great fulfillment to your days.

In discipline is enormous power to which you already have access. Choose to use it, again and again, and there is no limit to the rewards it will bring.

The goal can be reached
There is a way to reach the goal. You just have to decide you're going to do it.

There are challenges, to be sure. Yet you've overcome challenges before and you can do it again.

Decide to do it, and make the commitment. Take the necessary actions, over and over again.

If you realize your approach isn't working, adjust it and improve it until you begin to make some progress. Then be grateful for what you've learned, and use it to move more quickly ahead.

Be sure to choose a goal that is truly yours. Making the goal meaningful is what makes it reachable.

Creating anything of value takes a lot of good, hard, solid work. Enjoy the journey and delight in reaching the destination.
-- Ralph Marston

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Permanent Changes...

Statistics now show that 95% of people who lose 10lbs or more all gain it back within the first year! That means only 5% of you will be able succeed in your weight loss goals of 10lbs or less. Imagine the percentage if you want to lose 15, 20 or even 50lbs!

Weight loss should not be temporary. So stop getting ready for that quick transformation every year in January and before summer only to repeat the same cycle each year. It is easy to lose a few pounds but as we see with the statistics and from experiences it is very hard to keep that weight off.

The reason for this is usually the faster you lose the weight the faster you will gain it back. Society is so impatient these days, everyone wants that quick fix, and everyone wants to lose 10lbs in a week, or 20 lbs in a month. It’s all marketing and the media with crazy ads in magazines and shows like "The Biggest Loser", that type of weight loss is not realistic.

However, that is the type of weight loss people come to expect. The majority of people know how to lose weight, they know to eat healthier, they know they need to exercise and they also know that it takes time, hard work and consistency but the majority of people do not want to go through the work!

Boom! Enter, surgery, crash diets, eating disorders, extreme exercise programs and hey guess what? That means super fast weight loss! Then comes super fast weight gain the moment the person stops!

How do you make permanent changes? This is what I teach to my clients. In order to create permanent changes within your body you need to make permanent changes in your lifestyle. We must create new habits and re-train the old ones. You did not gain this weight overnight; so do not expect to lose it over night. The weight gain has happened over many months or years in a slow progression of poor habits. But the good news is we can reverse the trend!

Have patience; create habits you can continue to repeat for the rest of your life. It takes about 3 to 4 weeks of repeating something day in and day out before it becomes a habit. Now imagine how long it will take to change multiple habits. But once you make those changes and create those habits those will be changes you can maintain for the rest of your life. I measured 2 clients today, combined they have lost 7 pounds in about 3 weeks. And I congratulate them because those are 7 pounds they will never see again!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6 week Transformation!

As you can see from the 6 week transformation the changes are noticeable. More definition in the chest, abs, traps, upper back and triceps. The waist has gone down and you can even tell a little bit in the face.

As I stated in my previous post these last 3 weeks have not been the best. But the one thing I did keep constant was my exercise and intensity and even though my eating habits were not great (not horrible either) I was still able to maintain results. I did not do anything crazy either I ate reasonably and exercised consistently and as you can see in 6 weeks time my body is transforming. The changes are not drastic but you can notice a difference.

I am still going strong, these next 3 weeks I am going to step it up so lets see how that goes!

I have a few clients taking measurements this week so we see how their transformations are going!

So So busy ahh tired...

I've been so busy these last few days, but I have my 6 week pics taken and I will post those tomorrow. Also, some pics from my workout today so stay tuned! Super busy 10 hour work day meeting new people and training my great clients.

Mission accomplished today-Inspiring Wellness

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Back in the gym but keeping it functional!

I finally got back in the gym the other day for a workout, mainly because of the crazy rain we have had over here and I had a busy day full of clients so it was more time efficient to work out there. But didn't use any machines kept it functional just need a band, a pull up bar and a 40lb dumbbell to get a great workout in 25 minutes.

I am not going to lie this has been a tough last 3 weeks with a lot of different things going on, the Superbowl, birthdays, valentines day so needless to say eating wise has not been too great but I did workout 17 of the 21 days in order to earn what I ate. I am not expecting huge changes in appearance in tomorrows pics but I do believe I have made some improvements and if anything kept my progress the same during these tougher weeks. But I am keeping everything realistic, I can only imagine a few of my clients have had the same struggles (because I saw it on their logs!).

But that is life, that is part of the program, we want to live our normal lives still enjoy it and live a healthier lifestyle but earn everything we take.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Other 23 Hours part 1...

How many days a week do you work out? Maybe 2-3? Maybe some 4-5? Lets say on average someone works out 3 times per week, for an average duration of an hour. That is 3 hours a week someone is devoting towards exercise. One hour per day, there are another 23 hours in that day, another 161 hours in a week (if someone devoted an hour a day 7 days a week towards fitness).

What are you doing those other 23 hours, the other 161 hours towards achieving your goals? This is something the majority of people neglect when they start a wellness program. Many go to the gym without a plan for that hour and stick to the treadmill, bike, elliptical and never touch the weights. Others may follow routines they find in magazines not really focusing on their form but how much weight they can push. The moment people are finished with their workout they are finished for the day thinking about their wellness and fitness.

That is one of the main reasons people do not obtain results when starting off on a fitness program. The majority of your results are obtained OUTSIDE of the gym. What you do when you leave that gym is more important (if you had to chose one but in reality they feed off of each other) than what you do in the gym. You can have an amazing workout for an hour maybe even two but if you go home and pig out on TV dinners, fast food, sweets or indulge on some alcoholic beverages, go to bed late then wake up early for work the next day tired and groggy then turn to that starbucks drink. It is a vicious cycle, which leads many to not fully maximize their results.

And its not even just the eating, it is the things people are totally unaware of but spend the majority of their day doing. Besides sleeping what do most of us spend doing? For most of you with your jobs probably sitting, standing or walking. How many people actually sit there and think about what they are doing while sitting, standing or walking? Not many and you are throwing away precious time towards reaching your full potential.

Many people at their jobs spend 7,8,9 hours a day just sitting there many with very poor posture shoulders rolled forward, spine curved, slouching, or leaning back in the chair having our spine and the chair do all of the work and none of our muscles (I bet you are doing that right now!). I tell my clients you live how you train and you train how you live. If you live in a world sitting at a desk job with poor posture for 8 hours a day then go to the gym afterwards you are going to train with the same posture! Leading one to get hurt, be inefficient and perpetuate their poor posture.

Imagine focusing and being aware of your posture for those 7,8,9 hours a day reinforcing good habits then working out and making those habits stronger. You will work more muscle groups, become stronger and in return burn more calories. I would say it is fair that we spend at least 12 hours a day either standing, sitting, or walking that is 50% of our day and half the battle of achieving your goals but that is 50% people neglect. Then we spend the other 6-8 hour sleeping (at least we should) that is 20 hours in the day 83% of our day which many neglect on a regular basis, then you have that 1 hour per day where someone goes to the gym and focuses on their health which is about 4% of their day, their week, their month, their year that they spend towards their health and wellness and that’s if you work out 7 days a week for 1 hour! The percentage is even less if you work out less than that...And I didn't even get into detail about ones eating habits...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Make A Promise...

Make a promise

Make a promise to yourself and keep it. There's something that you've always desired, and now is the time to make it real.
You are fully capable of reaching whatever you decide to reach. Promise yourself something wonderful, and then do what it takes to fulfill that promise.

Stop groaning about how unfair life is. Start making life into something grand and joyful.

Find a dream that positively inspires you and promise yourself that you'll reach it. Make a serious commitment to the richness of your own life, and follow through on that commitment.

You can do it if you'll simply choose to do it. Make a promise to yourself, and make it happen.

-- Ralph Marston

Its not a sprint or a marathon...

Inspired Wellness Body Transformation...
trans·for·ma·tion (trnsfr-mshn, -fôr-) n.
- A marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better.

"usually for the better"...I am sure a lot of us have attempted transformations in the past or have actually competed a transformation but maybe without knowing and probably not for the better. Remember those high school days, maybe our college days being fit active and enjoying life. How about now? For some that extra 15, 20, 30 or 40 more pounds since those days have started to catch up with us. But where did the weight come from? It's not like it happened over night, many of us didn't just wake up being 30 pounds over weight. So why would one attempt to make a transformation over night? It took many years for the weight to come on. Many had to develop bad habits and make lifestyle changes which caused the weight to come on and for us to not be in the shape that we would like to be in.

Then we discover those amazing transformations and claims, try this diet, take this pill, read this book and find out how you can easily lose 30 lbs in 4 weeks (with ridiculous before and after pics in a 6 week time frame) If you read my "This is why diets do not work" post you will understand half of the battle. Those claims are not realistic and if someone does manage to make a super fast transformation you can almost guarantee with out the proper education or proper lifestyle modifications the majority if not all of that weight will come back. How do you expect to change 5, 10, 15 years of bad habits in one week?

This transformation is nothing like that. I will not post a super transformed Sham in 6 weeks, not even 10 weeks. I am not going through a super fly crazy monster thrash program, low calorie, 2 workouts per day, nor do I promote those types of programs to my clients. What you are witnessing now is someone transforming his or her body in a safe and health conscious manner. I am making simple lifestyle modifications, living a normal life and still enjoying the things I love and guess what I can do all of that and still obtain results! (And ill prove it!)

Everything I am doing during this body transformation is something I plan on doing for the rest of my life. This is how I live and this is how I train my clients. I will be posting a few of my food logs and workout plans in the next few weeks so you can see what I am doing (my completed full program will be posted on my web site ).

You can see from my 3-week transformation I was able to make changes in my body composition. Not huge dramatic changes but significant, I lost 3 pounds and 1.5% body fat. I worked out most days of the week I didn't follow a super strict diet, I ate at Hometown Buffet, Chevy's and still ate chocolate during the past 3 weeks. I am also not promoting one of those "hey eat whatever you want and not have to exercise and still lose weight!" programs. I did eat healthy the majority of the time, I "earned" my treats through proper exercise and other healthy realistic lifestyle choices. Transforming your body doesn't have to be dreadful, do not view it in terms of giving up everything you love and maintaining a freakishly ridiculous exercise program.

We must build a solid foundation first; you are only as strong as your foundation (your core). This foundation will be rooted in lifestyle changes, once those changes have become habit and routine only then will you will start to see PERMANENT CHANGES. Again, don't set yourself up to fail, don't expect that weight to come off over night, it also won't take you 5 or 10 years like it took to gain the weight but make simple changes that can lead to a lifetime of healthy habits and achieve lifetime results. I see so many people in January try and shape up then quit, or prepare for an event in their lives, I see so many people before summer try and prepare for that swimsuit season and fail, why do people try to look good 2x or 3x out of the year? Obtain the body you used to have or even obtain the body of your dreams and keep it forever!

Monday, January 26, 2009


3 WEEK transformation is complete. Nothing drastic of course this is a short time frame and I am not doing anything crazy, just living a healthy active lifestyle. I will post some details tomorrow on what I have been doing. But you can see some more definition in the abs in chest. On the back pic you can see the waist has come down and my posture has improved! Haha don't mind the haircut Ill work on that friday!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stop the insanity! Diets do not work this is why...

This is why diets do not work.

Diets are quick fixes, FAD's, gimmicks that take extreme measures (restricted low calorie, no carbs, no fat, the banana diet, the grapefruit diet, prepackaged meals or waste your money on their products diet (nutrisystems, j.c, w.w etc.). Most people will lose weight quickly but not be able to maintain such an extreme plan for the remainder of their lives. Why would you start a program or "diet" that you cannot feasibly keep up the rest of your life?

The moment you stop you will gain all of your weight back if not more. How many people do you know who say, "Yes, I have been on this diet (insert ridiculous claim here) my whole life and I have lost all of the weight I wanted to and have kept it off!" not many...

Or have you heard this "Yes, this new diet is awesome I have lost 10lbs in 3 weeks!" 3 months later how is your diet going? "Eh I couldn't keep that up eating only (ridiculous claim here) I've gained 12lbs back"

Many of those diets are not feasible for you to maintain for an extended period of time. There are many documented side effects of being on a low 800-calorie diet for a long period of time (I know because I have a client who years ago was on a DR. prescribed low calorie diet now she has kidney, liver issues and her hair, skin and nails have permanent damage). The same could be said about any other nutrient restricted diet (low carbs, no fat, low protein, low calorie, the stand on your head while eating diet it is a great one I promise you will lose a lot of weight! (just kidding don’t try it)).

Also, do not jump into some one size fits all diet that you see in magazines or books or that crazy magic diet pill, everyone is different, everyone has different needs, preferences, conditions, metabolism, likes and dislikes. Programs that you have used and have been able to maintain great success may not work for your friend down the street. You need to be able to find lifestyle changes that go along with YOUR current lifestyle. It may not be feasible for someone to be on a vegan plan if they are growing up on a farm. Or for a busy business person to only prepare all natural home cooked meals.

You need to make lifestyle changes that you can feasibly maintain. If you love starbucks, soda, sweets, pizza etc. and I told you to start a program where you can have none of those items you will go crazy and probably pig out on those items that night. The moment you tell someone they can't have something they want it even more, so do not set yourself up to fail by cutting out everything you enjoy.

Moderation, moderation, moderation is what everyone claims. It has a part to do with moderation but a bigger part by EARNING the things you love. You cannot just eat cookies all day long and have 3 viente 6 pump triple shot white mochas and not expect weight gain an energy high followed by a mid day crash, and other future health problems. How about you start your day with an early morning walk to jump start your metabolism and perhaps if you still need it a small single serving starbucks, at least this way you would have earned it by generating your own natural energy so you won't needs as much sugar or caffeine and you have already exercised so you have earned some additional caloric intake and take away your craving. Do not just TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, you must EARN those treats. Performing your daily exercise routine and then having a cookie afterwards is fine, sitting on your butt all day long at your desk job and having 4 cookies is not ok. EARN that cookie! Unless you have the will power to cut it out, if not that is ok everyone is different, it is ok to earn it.

I always recommend when you are about to make a healthy change in your lifestyle habits make sure it is a change you can do for the rest of your life. I will never ask someone to make a change if they cannot feasibly see themselves maintaining that change for the rest of their lives. Do not make a quick fix for only 3 weeks, not for 2 months, or for you to get ready for the summer season because what are you going to do after that when you go back to your old ways and you are stuck with the same problem months later repeating the same cycle over and over again. The Definition of insanity is repeating something over and over again and expecting a different result.

I could go on and on about this topic emotional eating, stress, nutrient timing, fluid intake, artificial sweeteners, sodium, supplements, vitamins but I will end it here if you have a specific question you can ask me or wait for future posts.

Diets DO work if you want quick weight-loss that you will NOT be able to maintain. Stop the insanity, stop the dieting...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Solve the source...

Beware of quick-fix solutions that end up being worse than the problems they are intended to solve. There's nothing to be gained from a cure that is worse than the disease.
And there's certainly nothing to be gained from a solution that merely masks or delays the problem without addressing the underlying cause. When there's a problem in your life, get to work rooting out the core of that problem.

Facing a challenge requires effort, and yet that effort is necessary only for a relatively short time. Running from the challenge requires ever-increasing effort that has no end.

The sooner you start working through a problem, the more quickly you'll have that problem behind you. The earlier you deal with the root cause of the problem, the more effective your efforts will be.

Truly eliminating the cause of the problem does indeed take more work than quickly fixing the symptoms. Yet once the difficult work is done to remove the problem, it's gone for good.

Do the work to root out each problem at its core. And your efforts will bring lasting rewards.

-- Ralph Marston

Friday, January 16, 2009


As life unfolds in each moment, new opportunities are being born. No matter what has already happened, choose to create the very best you can imagine.

Do not dwell on yesterday; do not be remorseful of the last five, ten, or fifteen years of being unhealthy and being unaware, as long as you seize the opportunity to make a change today.  I see so many people go through life completely oblivious to the things they do to their bodies, but is it their fault if they are not aware?  Miss-education, there is so much garbage information out there placed by companies and individuals trying to make a quick buck off of someone.  Where can the average consumer go for credible information? The latest magazine with a skinny celebrity proclaiming they lost 20 pounds eating nothing but grapefruit?  Or the muscle building magazines with guys jacked on steroids proclaiming all they needed was this magical supplement to get the bodies of their dreams?  Sadly to say that is where the majority of people go to today for their "credible" information. 

 With my company Inspired Wellness I am trying to be that site you can trust for credible and trusted information.  The most powerful way to change some ones life is to give them knowledge.  My mission is to empower one with awareness so they may achieve their goals, so they can Inspire Wellness.  I am attempting to launch the company based on application and scientific evidence.  Everything that is promoted or used with IW will have been applied and or have published scientific backing.  I will post all of the scientific research and peer reviewed journals for anyone to read.  Using the techniques I have applied on many clients and myself over the last few years.  I will not make any recommendations to someone I have not personally tried myself which you will be able to follow through my blogs and body transformation. If someone doesn't know that switching to diet soda is just choosing a different evil compared to that regular soda, would they make that choice?  If you only knew what that triple pump vente white mocha or skinny latte was doing to your body.  Neglecting your water intake because you no longer have the taste for it, well if you only understood why over the many years drinking all of the sugary, caffeinated and artificially sweetened drinks has pushed your tastes away from the most important beverage for every living function in your body (but that’s a whole other blog).  

The reason why so many people go through their lives blasé about their health and wellness is because they are not aware; most people are not made aware until its too late.  Until its that trip to the doctor for that mystery headache that won't go away, or that throbbing stomach ache or when you look in the mirror at the age of 30 but feel like you are 50.  Most people are made aware by the shocking consequences of their actions.  What if you knew why you had that mysterious pain, what if you knew what caused it, how to reverse and actually prevent it?

Weight loss is easy!  Building muscle is easy! (It does take hard work)  You want to know why it is so hard for many?  It is because many people are attempting these goals without having a plan, without having the knowledge or without having the awareness to achieve their goals.  It is not just weight loss it is the same for anything we do in life, if you are not educated on it, it is going to be very hard to achieve.  Its going to be pretty hard to do my taxes for my own business this year if I have never done it before, but if I go to someone I trust, who has the knowledge and the experience to get a plan it will be a lot easier!

An example of what I mean.  The other day I met with a couple that were potential clients.  The meeting was mainly to help focus on designing the husband a gluten/wheat free meal plan and the wife was there to support.  As we digged a little deeper weight loss entered the picture, then constant headaches, anxiety, lack of energy, salt cravings, the appearance of aging too quickly and a list of other issues popped up and this was not all from the husband!  There was nothing out of the ordinary for this couple the typical American lifestyle of low carb-diet drinks, maybe a glass or two of water, salty snack foods, a bite to eat at a local fast food place, late night cookie attacks and not too forget the super busy work day and getting maybe five or six hours of sleep.  After chatting for nearly two hours I was able to open up the couple’s eyes to the things they were currently doing which they were unaware of and how it was causing the problems they were currently having.  (And if you guys are reading this get excited because you made a great decision and we are about to change your lives!)

I have been bouncing around with this post sorry the whole point of this was to basically say be aware of what you are doing.  Be aware of what you are putting into your body.  Most things come at a cost, be aware of what that cost is and what you can do about it.  We constantly take, take, and take in life.  We take that fast food, we take that alcoholic drink, and we take that piece of candy, that starbucks without being aware and without taking action.  That is something I teach all of my clients, know why you are doing what it is you do, from eating, exercising, walking, sitting, standing, everything.  Just be aware.  Because before you realize the consequences it may already be too late...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This is where it all starts...

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. What lies within me? I guess we shall find out...

My name is Sham Sanghera and I am certified and Degreed in Wellness, Fitness and Health and I am the CEO of Inspired Wellness.  I am embarking on many endeavors in the next few months and I would like to invite you along for the ride.  I am launching a new Fitness and Wellness company and in preparation for that I have decided to allow my clients and anyone else out there an inside look.

The purpose of this blog is to give you an inside view of my transformation both physically and from a business stand point, to be able to provide insight for some, motivation for others.  Through out my many years in Wellness I have seen and experienced many things.  I have seen and helped with many transformations using a variety of training styles.  Now it is my turn.  Now it is my turn to transform, hold myself accountable and answer to all of you.  In the past I have always stayed in pretty good shape just living a healthy lifestyle.  But as a Fitness Role Model and in preparation for the launch of my new company I have decided it is time to take it to the next level and I want all of you to witness it and even better I'd like you to join me.  I am about to launch a new HYBRID TRAINING style and Online Training Tools which I hope to incorporate in the future for clients so I figured who would be the best test dummy? ME!  I figured in order for my company to be successful I must show all of you my methods, my products, and knowledge are legit.  During the next few months I will be posting blogs and give samples of what I eat, supplementation, exercise routines, my results, my thoughts, my feelings, my triumphs and even my struggles.

I like to think outside of the box, do things with a different beat.  There are thousands of fitness companies out there claiming to be able to help people.  If you look at some of the Personal Training or fitness sites out there a lot of them are garbage and I mean that in the since that it appears they are just thrown together, just cluttered with mass amounts of text which are not organized.  You have random advertisements strewn about where the potential client can get lost.  It makes the sites lose their credibility in my opinion.  Then you have the testimonial section, which I think is a big joke, how do you know that is a real person and not the trainer himself writing? Or having his Uncle's cousin's daughter write it for him.  How do you know what happened during that clients transformation even if a real transformation took place.  Before and afters are hit or miss for some sites and trainers, they could be real and if they are how old are they?  Do I want to see what the trainer did for someone 10 years ago?  We live in a world of "what have you done for me lately" if you follow the NFL you know what I mean.  What is that trainer or company currently doing to help better someone's life? 

People want to connect with something; they want to feel and know that someone is going through what they are.  Real people offering real thoughts, feelings and emotions.  Why do you think Reality shows are so popular.

I want to try something different, instead of having testimonials after the fact, on my completed website for my company I am going to launch a "Current Client Tracker” this is going to provide insight on what MY CURRENT CLIENTS are going through, day by day, Week-by-Week, Month-by-Month.  I cannot think of a more powerful tool for a potential client to browse my blog or my site and see what my current clients are experiencing.  From there, that person can make a choice to change and sign up, or think “you know what maybe I'll wait and see how great Sham and Inspired Wellness really is and monitor "Sue" his client because she has the same exact goal that I do.”  That potential client tunes in every week and tracks "Sues" progress.

Everyone is different, and there is no one correct way to achieve your goal.  So what may work for me may not work for you.

So in order for me to provide the most useful insight as it pertains to you I have asked a few of my current clients to blog and track their current progress and current thoughts and feelings as it pertains to their training.  So if you are looking for someone to watch that may have a similar goal as yours perhaps viewing one of my clients progress will help motivate you to make a change or perhaps shed insight on how I can help you.

I figured in order to be successful in business and in life you must be able to view from multiple perspectives.  I hope to expose the tricks of some fitness companies and trainers out there for you, so whether you work with me or not at least you will be informed and not fooled into anything in the future by others.  And if I am wrong on something please call me out on it, I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong, that is how I will become stronger in my endeavors by your input.

 But I know talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words, so I will shut up now and not be one of those phony fitness gurus pushing products with poorly produced infomercials or promising 20lb weight loss in 3 weeks or claiming unsafe FAD Diets or bogus diet pills.  I'll show you what hard work, dedication and consistency looks like.  Ill show it in me and Ill show what I can do for others.  So sit back subscribe and watch our transformations.

If you have any comments from a business standpoint of what I am doing I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.  I do not claim to know everything or claim to be the worlds greatest, this is just an Idea I had and a venue I chose, my thoughts and opinions are not being forced upon anyone, it is your choice to view this material.

Thank you,

If you have any questions or would like to take part in a transformation of your own please contact me at